Thank you for your interest in Lot Six.
You are in the mist of a creative revolution; where artists in all of our glorious forms are rising up to collectively create vast and excitingly fresh story worlds. Our paintings, our songs, our films — our stories, are penetrating every facet of human interaction, and redefining the very essence of what it means to communicate. Creators are consuming, consumers are creating, and the lines between reality and fiction are becoming increasingly blurred.
Lot Six is an experiential art movement that uses narrative and artistic collaboration as a means to educate, inspire and entertain. As a society of artists and other storytellers we thrive on creative ingenuity and artistic innovation. We come from a broad range of creative disciplines and artistic environments — a benefit that allows us to communicate our ideas and feelings in ways that move seamlessly through various media outlets and social contexts.
Where possible, we use shared interests to engage global audiences and invite them into the story creation process. It is through this collaborative spirit and commitment to sharing resources that we hope to effect positive social change. Whether your story is a film, a fashion label, a culinary masterpiece, or a corporate identity, we encourage you to take your rightful position in this discussion. Lot Six is your creativity, your story, your world; Connected
In collaboration with Donuts Gallery